Bonnie Kern. Photographer.
PDP Industrial covers photography within the Industrial, Manufacturing, and Construction world. Key coverage of industry & production processes; documentation of products, equipment, machinery & workers; photographic portrayal of facility layout, construction site, work environment and culture.
Be proud of your business; what better way to show your prospective clients, employees & the world...your expertise that produced perfection. Document the pride you take in your work by... photographing your work.
Photographs of your work may be utilized for website, marketing, or to simply hang in the hallways of your business. PDP Industrial will archive your pride for you, to share with the world, and to create a lasting history of your work.
"...if there is no way, create one." ~PDP Industrial
PDP Industrial is the industrial division of Polka Dot Portraits LLC. Established 2005. www.polkadotportraits.com
BA Pennsylvania State University, 1995.
Published work featured in: Modern Metals Magazine, Washington Post, The Hill Rag, DC Parks Guide, Washington Life, Pet Services Journal, The Georgetowner, The Calm Before The Storm by Kimberly Campbell.